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Home > Watch French TV abroad

Watch 22 French TV channels
abroad with TVMucho!

For French people living, travelling or working abroad, it’s a struggle to watch
French TV. Some of the great French TV broadcasters are difficult to access from
outside France. If you’re trying to find out how to watch French TV outside France,
you’ve come to the right place! TVMucho offers a legal, reliable and cheap
way to watch French TV when abroad, without the hassle!

The best French TV channels, anywhere.

Programmes de la nuit
A suivre, des rediffusions de vos émissions préférées, ainsi que des documentaires et autres reportages destinés à divertir les couche-tard comme les lève-tôt.
Ça commence aujourd'hui
Résumé Ça commence aujourd'hui Tous les jours Faustine Bollaert accueille sur le plateau de "Ça commence aujourd'hui" des hommes et des femmes qui évoquent des événements marquants de leur existence pour permettre à d'autres d'avancer dans leur parcours: un rendez-vous positif et optimiste.
Qui sera le champion des années 90 ?
Quarante candidats vont s'affronter en s'amusant sur la culture des années 90. Au programme : succès chantés en live par leurs interprètes iconiques, images rarement rediffusées, ou encore invités surprises. Jean-Luc Lemoine, le maître du jeu, convie à un véritable show où une pléiade d'artistes viendront s'amuser, ainsi que quatre "experts" qui tenteront de venir en aide aux candidats.
La relève du rire
La salle du Complexe, à Lyon, a vu passer sur ses planches des artistes aujourd'hui confirmés, comme Alexandre Astier, Florence Foresti ou Baptiste Lecaplain. Alex Vizorek y orchestre un spectacle qui met à l'honneur la nouvelle génération d'humoristes de la capitale des Gaules, comme Cécile Marx, Matthieu Penchinat ou Vanessa Kayo.
Pékin Express : duos de choc
Pour cette deuxième étape, les candidats découvrent l'ancienne capitale royale du Sri Lanka : Sigirîya. A peine la course démarrée, ils doivent récupérer leurs instructions dans un bloc de glace. Les binômes testent ensuite un tout nouveau moyen de locomotion avec un chariot typique sri-lankais.

What French TV channels can I watch abroad with TVMucho?

Your TVMucho membership gives you worldwide access to 120+ live free-to-air channels from France, United Kingdom and Ireland. The channel lineup includes popular French channels like:

For a full list of channels you can access abroad with TVMucho, see our channel list.

How do I watch French TV abroad with TVMucho?

Watching your favourite French TV channels abroad with TVMucho is easy. Sign up for a free membership and get 15 min of TV a day, free! If you want unlimited TV time or use multiple devices to watch French TV abroad, consider upgrading to a paid membership which costs from €4.99 a month! Your membership fee pays for unlimited access to our middleware to receive the unaltered TV broadcast signals.

Want to record French TV abroad?

Perhaps you are running late and can’t watch the live broadcast. Maybe you are holidaying or living abroad and in a different timezone. Or you might just want to record the programme and watch it at your leisure. Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered.

All TVMucho memberships come with 7-day recordings*; 10 hours for our free trial membership, and up to 20 hours for our paid Expat TV and Family TV memberships. But what if you need more storage or wish to keep your recordings permanently?

Introducing Later, the personal cloud-based video recording app. Later works seamlessly with all TVMucho memberships and allows you to record up to 300 hours of your favorite films, series, documentaries and shows, permanently.

*recordings provided by Later

Does TVMucho work everywhere? The answer is ‘yes’!

TVMucho works just like a traditional satellite TV with a slight twist on the technology. Tune in to receive satellite signals from free-to-air broadcasts virtually using your pc, laptop, TV box, tablet, smartphone or TV instead of a physical satellite box. Whether you’re living (or on holiday in) the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, Belgium, or anywhere else in the world; TVMucho has got your French TV covered!

Want to try TVMucho before you buy? Sign up for a free account and enjoy the 120+ live channels for free, 15 min a day.

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